Friday, March 10, 2017


Mr UAW was worried about getting enough exercise when he retired. He used to be the sole owner of a lawn maintenance and landscaping business. He got plenty of exercise doing that but now that he's retired...not much exercise.

Mrs UAW wasn't worried about getting enough exercise when she retired. She retired from inventory management at a large horse hospital. It wasn't just a desk job, she spent much of her time visiting the various areas of the hospital and working on projects away from her desk. During her last year at work, she started swimming at a local park and rec pool, laps in the mornings before a few work days and water aerobics on one of her days off.

So now that Mr and Mrs are retired together, they spend time at the pool. Mr UAW is happy to participate in aerobic classes and finds it's easier on his joints. Mrs UAW is happy to go to the aerobic classes that she couldn't get to while working, and she's happy that she doesn't lap swim as much-she wasn't very good at it anyway.

The time at the pool has come in handy for showing a house, Mr and Mrs can shower at the pool and there is one less thing to do to keep the house super clean.

Between swimming and hiking Mr and Mrs should be good for a while. That is until they move. Then they will be spending all their time packing. Hopefully in their new residence there will be a pool nearby and they can participate in the exercise that they have come to enjoy.

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