Mr UAW and I went camping at Trillium Lake last year. This year we invited all of our Oregon family to come with us. It is such a beautiful place and we wanted to share it. We had a few things we wanted to do here...go kayaking, fishing, celebrate a birthday, and hiking. We wanted a specific weekend in July to do this and we wanted 2 camp sites together next to the lake for 2 nights on a Friday/Saturday. Reservations can be made up to 6 months in advance. So I had to troll the web site 6+ months ahead of time to get what I wanted. We ended up at sites 41 and 43-very nice sites. We were able to launch our kayaks from these sites, the hiking trail was close by, and we could even fish from these sites.
Mt Hood |
sunset over the lake |
The fishing was great. Last year we didn’t have much luck fishing from the shore so we enjoyed fishing from the kayaks. This year we did better fishing from the shore. Fishing from the shore made it more of a family excursion and we could all help the little ones out with their poles. I lost track of how many fish we kept and how many we threw back. We did catch enough for one big meal for 6 people for breakfast and enough to take home for a dinner feast for all of us. We had 5 people fishing so there was plenty of lines in the water. We spent time fishing very early in the morning or in the evening. During the day there were other things to do.
proud fisherman and dad |
caught another one |
Spending so much time standing on the shore fishing gave us plenty of opportunity to observe the birds in the area. There were bald eagles and ospreys fishing the lake. The eagles scope out the lake from a high tree, spot a fish, fly out over the fish, circle back down low to the water, grab the fish and fly off. Osprey scope out the lake from circling high over the lake, spot a fish and dive from whatever height they are at, splash straight down into the water, and come up with a fish. Two different techniques and they both work. There is another way the eagles get fish, stealing it from the osprey right after they catch it. In this case the osprey drops the fish while in the air and the eagle swoops down under the osprey, catches the fish and flys off. It is interesting to watch all of this.
Bald Eagle |
Kayaking on the lake was nice. We had good weather and it didn’t get too windy. My grandson had just learned to kayak so he really enjoyed getting around the lake. I kayaked with my grandson to see the beaver house across the lake. My daughter and granddaughter enjoyed it too. Mr UAW and my son-in-law tried fishing from the kayaks and they got a few bites but didn’t pull in any fish.
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Beaver house as seen on our hike |
Hiking was easy here. There is a trail that goes around the lake that all of us could easily do.
This was a great place to camp if you are okay with campground camping. All campers were courteous and the facilities had the best pit toilets I've ever seen in a campground. During the day the lake gets busy with the "day use" people that come to enjoy it...the area around the dam can get crowded but it's not crowded anywhere else. Also there are more watercraft-NON motorized- on the lake during the day with the "day use" people but there is plenty of room...and it doesn't affect the fishing because the fishing is only good early in the day or in the evening-times that the extra boats are not on the lake.