The total solar eclipse is coming in a few weeks. Where I live I should be able to have a 90% view of it. Am I going to visit a place where I can get a 100% view? Probably not. I will be happy with my 90%. There are many stories circulating in Oregon regarding the impact that this event will have on our area. There are estimates that the population of Oregon will increase by one million people, there's only 4 million here to start with. As a result there are many predictions about how that will impact us. I've heard everything from total traffic gridlock, complete with the national guard on alert and 911 services impacted, and we should stock up on food and gas because so many people will be here-to a rather ho hum experience where people will stop what they are doing to observe the phenomenon and then go about their business as usual. I do know several people that are coming from CA to OR to see this event.
In the meantime, I've also noticed that entrepreneurs of every type are trying to cash in on the eclipse. I can go to Walmart and right in the front door a huge display implores me to buy the proper eye wear (which is VERY important), and apparently I will need a eclipse cap, a t-shirt, and a cup holder to be able to enjoy this event. There are business combining the eclipse with their organization to hopefully have more people at their establishments. You can go to the "Solarfest" offered at many areas, many restaurants have special eclipse menus, the town of Madras has a type of "Burning Man" eclipse event going on, you can camp with goats in Oregon's wine country and view the eclipse, many people can't find lodging so many farmers are renting out camping spots for the anticipated crowds. And people are renting out "camping spaces" on their front lawns to view this event. Many eclipse viewing parties are going on, the wineries in the area have also catered to the eclipse crowd-there's the Eclipse brunch & tasting in Dayton, the eclipse wine festival in Ebola Hills to name a few. The craft beer industry offers the eclipse and craft beer tasting starting in Portland, or there's the Total Eclipse of the Hop in Salem. Every day I hear about a new eclipse event that is offered. Even the post office has eclipse forever stamps. I know this because I needed stamps, went to and found them. I confess I bought them, it is something that I will use.
So later I will have to blog about my own semi-eclipse viewing and how my area survives this event. Truly a shot in the dark, we will see how it turns out. More later!